<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BEG. OF FILE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (c) Cervenka Consulting 2000-2024 ----------------------------------------- RELEASE NOTES FOR ATENA version 5.9.2c (Build 12.1.2023 rev.22722, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 11.11.2024, 2D 11.1.2024, SARA 8.1.2024, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22573) ----------------------------------------- Modified on January 12th, 2024 (minimum required maintenance end 31.12.2023) by Dalimir Stano CONTENTS: ========= 1. INTRODUCTION 2. INSTALLATION 2.1 ATENA 2D 2.2 ATENA 3D 2.3 AtenaConsole 2.4 AtenaStudio 2.5 AtenaWin 2.6 GID Interface 2.7 Installation of a network hardlock 3. DOCUMENTATION 4. PROGRAM EXECUTION 5. KNOWN AND NEW PROBLEMS 6. NEW FEATURES AND BUG FIXES 7. CONTACTS 1. INTRODUCTION This document contains release notes for ATENA version 5.9.2 All bugs and problems should be reported by e-mail to cervenka@cervenka.cz. 2. INSTALLATION First make sure that your ATENA hardlock is connected to your computer. It is recommended to uninstall any previous versions of ATENA software from your computer. In some cases it may be necessary to manually remove the directory "c:\Program Files\CervenkaConsulting". Execute the program ATENA_V5xx_SARA_Install.exe, which is located on your distribution medium. This can be either a CD or a compressed archive, if you downloaded the program from the Internet. The installation program will guide you through the installation process. The intallation sometimes needs to upgrade some of your system files. In this case you will be asked to restart your computer. For a silent intallation, i.e., no questions, default settings, you can run the installer with the /S switch. The installer language follows system language and preselects czech Engineering UI in case of czech Windows environment. To choose the installer language manually, you can use the command line switches /EN for english and /CS for czech. 2.1 ATENA Engineering 2D During the installation process you will be asked to select the required components. ATENA 2D is one of the available components. This program allows you to perform non-linear finite element simulation of concrete or reinforced concrete structures using two-dimensional finite element models. This program contains a graphical user interface for data-preparation, analysis control and monitoring and for the post-processing. 2.2 ATENA Engineering 3D ATENA 3D is a similar graphical environment as ATENA 2D, but it provides the same functionality for full three-dimensional analysis. This program allows you to perform non-linear finite element simulation of concrete or reinforced concrete structures using three-dimensional finite element models. This program contains a graphical user interface for data-preparation, analysis control and monitoring and for the post-processing. 2.3 AtenaConsole, AtenaConsole64 AtenaConsole is additional component, which allows you to execute ATENA finite element calculations in a batch mode environment. It can be used for two-dimensional as well as 3D analyses. 2.4 AtenaStudio, AtenaStudio64 Advanced graphical user interface for ATENA. Combines simple and intuitive user interface known from ATENA Engineering and advanced features of AtenaWin. It can be used for 2D and 3D calculations as well as visualization and postprocessing results. 2.5 AtenaWin, AtenaWin64 AtenaWin is additional component, which allows you to execute ATENA finite element calculations in a batch mode environment. It can be used for two-dimensional as well as 3D analyses. It differs from AtenaConsole by a simple graphical environment that allows users to visualize results and data from finite element calculations. It also contains mesh generation capabilities if a boundary representation of the model is provided. It is especially suitable for expert users that need to exploit the additional functionality of the FE solution core that is not supported by the ATENA 2D and 3D graphical environment. 2.6 ATENA Science ATENA-GiD Interface If this component is selected, interface modules for data exchange between ATENA and GiD will be installed on your computer. GiD can be used as a 3D and 2D pre- and post-processor for ATENA. Currently, the postprocessing is limited in some respects in GiD. The post-processing can also be done in AtenaWin or Atena3DPost. Only the demo version of GiD is currently distributed with the ATENA software. The demo version is limited to 1000 elements. GiD can be used to prepare numerical models for very complex structures. It also supports imports from various modelling standards. The full licence of GiD can be obtained from ATENA distributors. More information about GiD can be obtained at the internet address: http://www.gidhome.com/ During the installation you will be prompted if you want to install demo version of GiD and ATENA-GiD interface. If you want to use ATENA along with GiD please select the appropriate boxes. In order to execute ATENA directly from GiD on older Windows 95 and 98 operating system it is necessary to define the following environmental variable set AtenaConsole="C:\Program Files\CervenkaConsulting\AtenaV5\AtenaConsole.exe" set AtenaWin="C:\Program Files\CervenkaConsulting\AtenaV5\AtenaWin.exe" set Atena3DPost="C:\Program Files\CervenkaConsulting\AtenaV5\Atena3D_1_EN.exe" where the path should be correctly to the directory, where the programs are located. On Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 this variable is created automatically during the program installation. The distributed ATENA-GiD interface supports GiD version 7.7.2b and later, for details, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt 2.7 Installation of NetHasp network hardlock. This section describes how to install the network hardlock for program ATENA. If you had requested a network version of ATENA, you received a red NetHasp hardlock. This hardlock can be plugged into the parallel port of an arbitraty computer in your local area network (LAN). The program ATENA can then be installed on any computer connected to this network and running Windows 10 system (32 or 64 bit). The good practice is to place the content of the installation CD on the server, so that everybody can install it on his or her computer. When ATENA is executed on a client computer, it first checks if a valid Hasp hardlock is connected to the computer. If it cannot find a hardlock on the local computer it searches the network for a NetHasp hardlock. After the NetHasp is located, the program attempts to log into the NetHasp hardlock. If there are more workstations currently using ATENA then is the allowed limit, the login is refused and ATENA cannot be used. In order to use the network hardlock, the red NetHasp hardlock key must be connected to at least one computer in the LAN, and the NetHasp License Manager must be running on this computer. The NetHasp License Manager for Windows 10 is located in the directory %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Fine Shared\System\win32 and is called lmsetup.exe. It can be executed directly from there to install the license manager. Its latest version can be downloaded from the HASP/SafeNet web at http://www.safenet-inc.com/ It is important to realize that the computer with the network hardlock and NetHasp license manager must be running, in order for the client computers to be able to access it and log into the NetHasp. Some problems may occur, if for some reason an ATENA sesion on a client computer fails to end correctly, due to a computer or program crash. In this case, the program did not log out of the NetHasp License Manager, and one license can be blocked for others to use. There are two solutions to this problem. Either ATENA can be started again and the blocked license will be freed after the program is correctly terminated. Or NetHasp License Manager can be stopped and restared again. This will reset the number of available licenses back to the original number. This should be done, however, only at times when there are no clients using ATENA. It is important to note that if ATENA is executed several times on a single computer, this scenario will consume only one license in the NetHasp License Manager. 3. DOCUMENTATION The installation contains the following documentation in electronic format. In order to view the documentation PDF reader must be installed on your computer. Such a reader can be for instance obtained free of charge at the internet address http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html. [1] Theory Manual for ATENA. This document explains the theorethical formulations, which are used in ATENA including element formulation, constitutive models and non-linear solvers. [2] ATENA Engineering 2D and 3D User's manuals This document describes the usage of ATENA 2D and 3D environments. [3] Example Manual for ATENA Engineering 2D+3D, ATENA Science GiD Describes the example problems for ATENA 2D and 3D, and ATENA-GiD located in the Examples directory. [4] Tutorials for ATENA Engineering 2D, 3D, and ATENA Science These documents provide step by step introductions to the usage of the programs ATENA Engineering and Science. [6] Atena Input File Format. This document contains the description of ATENA input file format. This input file can be created by user. The analysis can be executed from command line by executing AtenaConsole program. [7] AtenaWin User's Manual Describes the usage of the AtenaWin tool for running FE analysis using a batch model in a simple graphical environment. [8] ATENA-GiD User's Manual Describes the data-preparation using GiD pre-processor with ATENA Science. [9] T3D User Guide Describes the mesh generator used in ATENA Engineering 3D and also available directly from the ATENA Kernel. [10] User Material DLL Explains hot to define a user material by providing a Dynamic Link Library with the material response functions. [11] ATENA Troubleshooting Reference for ATENA error and warning messages and solutions to frequent problems with analysis using ATENA. [12] ATENA Studio User's Manual User's manual for main ATENA runtime and postprocessing program. 4. PROGRAM EXECUTION ATENA 2D is executed from Start|Programs menu on your desktop. ATENA 3D is executed from Start|Programs menu on your desktop. AtenaConsole is executed either directly from GiD or from a command line by typing: %AtenaConsole% [OPTIONS] input_file output_file message_file error_file %AtenaConsole64% [OPTIONS] input_file output_file message_file error_file AtenaStudio is executed either directly from Start menu or from a command line by typing: %AtenaStudio% [OPTIONS] input_file output_file message_file error_file %AtenaStudio64% [OPTIONS] input_file output_file message_file error_file AtenaWin is executed either directly from Start menu or from a command line by typing: %AtenaWin% [OPTIONS] input_file output_file message_file error_file %AtenaWin64% [OPTIONS] input_file output_file message_file error_file 5. KNOWN AND NEW PROBLEMS If you experience a problem, please check the ATENA Troubleshooting Manual (ATENA-Troubleshooting.pdf), the Products ATENA Known problems section on our Web, http://www.cervenka.cz/products/atena/known-problems, search our forum http://www.cervenka.cz/forum/. If you can not find a solution, please report the problem by e-mail to cervenka@cervenka.cz. Do not forget to send us your model (.cc3, .cc2, or .gid, without results, ZIPped), the version you are using, your WR (ATENA user ID from the "About" dialog), and a description of the problem. Include info about your computer whenever relevant and possible (OS version, graphics card type, ...). 6. NEW FEATURES AND BUG FIXES Release version 5.9.2c, January 12th, 2024 (minimum required maintenance end 31.12.2023) (Build 12.1.2023 rev.22722, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 11.11.2024, 2D 11.1.2024, SARA 8.1.2024, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22573) - Updated GUI 3D and 2D Release version 5.9.2b, January 8th, 2024 (minimum required maintenance end 31.12.2023) (Build 4.1.2023 rev.22644, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 24.11.2023, 2D 24.11.2023, SARA 8.1.2024, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22573) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts - Updated Examples - Updated SARA Studio Release version 5.9.2a, November 24th, 2023 (minimum required maintenance end 31.12.2023) (Build 24.11.2023 rev.22492, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 24.11.2023, 2D 24.11.2023, SARA 24.11.2023, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 22516) Release version 5.9.1c, November 25th, 2022 (minimum required maintenance end 25.11.2022) (Build 25.11.2022 rev.21517, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.9.2022, 2D 8.9.2022, SARA 15.9.2022, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 21418) - New Trial version license option - New verion of ATENA Center - Minor upgrade of the Kernel Release version 5.9.1b, October 20th, 2022 (minimum required maintenance end 20.10.2022) (Build 20.10.2022 rev.21468, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.9.2022, 2D 8.9.2022, SARA 15.9.2022, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 21418) - New Trial version license option - New verion of ATENA Center - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts Release version 5.9.1a, October 5th, 2022 (minimum required maintenance end 23.9.2022) (Build 23.9.2022 rev.21422, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.9.2022, 2D 8.9.2022, SARA 15.9.2022, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 21418) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts - Updated Examples Alfa version 5.9.1, September 23th, 2022 (minimum required maintenance end 23.9.2022) (Build 23.9.2022 rev.21422, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.9.2022, 2D 8.9.2022, SARA 15.9.2022, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 21418) - New default GiD version 16.0.1 - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts - Major upgrade of the Kernel - Updated Manuals Release version 5.9.0k, March 11th, 2022 (minimum required maintenance end 13.1.2022) (Build 13.1.2022 rev.20863, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2021, SARA 13.1.2022, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20814) - Fixed New Material Driver utility Release version 5.9.0j, January 13th, 2022 (minimum required maintenance end 13.1.2022) (Build 13.1.2022 rev.20863, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2021, SARA 13.1.2022, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20814) - New default GiD version 15.0.3 - Smaller fixes in the Kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts - Updated Manuals Release version 5.9.0i, November 30th, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 29.11.2021) (Build 30.11.2021 rev.20715, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2019, SARA 31.5.2021, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20563) - Smaller fixes in the Kernel Release version 5.9.0h, November 16th, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 16.11.2021) (Build 16.11.2021 rev.20653, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2019, SARA 31.5.2021, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20563) - Fixed readings commands for local orientation of shell elements - Fixed prescribing of linear boundary load Release version 5.9.0g, October 13th, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 13.10.2021) (Build 13.10.2021 rev.20565, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2019, SARA 31.5.2021, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20563) - Correction of problems with REACTION output at nodes near reinforcement - Fixed problem with reinforcement in Beam3D element in the creep problem type - Fixed problem bond model generation in GiD - Other minor fixes and corrections - Updated Manuals Release version 5.9.0f, September 9th, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 1.9.2021) (Build 09.09.2021 rev.20489, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2019, SARA 31.5.2021, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20082) - Smaller fixes in the Kernel - Updated Manuals - Updated Examples Release version 5.9.0e, July 15th, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 30.4.2021) (Build 15.06.2021 rev.20248, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2019, SARA 31.5.2021, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20082) - Smaller fixes in the Kernel - Updated Examples Release version 5.9.0d, July 07th, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 30.4.2021) (Build 07.06.2021 rev.20210, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2019, SARA 31.5.2021, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20082) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio and in the Kernel - New GiD version 15.0.3 included in the installation (default version selected for installation remains 15.0.2) - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.9.0c, May 19th, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 30.4.2021) (Build 03.05.2021 rev.20123, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.5.2021, 2D 19.5.2019, SARA 19.5.2021, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 20082) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio and in the Kernel (integration of interval forces in post-processing, user-defined hydration function for CCTransportLevel7) - Small improvements in automated report generation in ATENA Studio - Generation of bond according to fib 1990 fixed in ATENA 2D - Support for software hardlocks implemented - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.9.0b, May 3rd, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2020) (Build 03.05.2021 rev.20049, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 1.3.2021, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 19904) - ATENA Center included in the installation - Updated example database and software documentation - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio and in the Kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.9.0, March 26th, 2021 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2020) (Build 22.03.2021 rev.19771, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 1.3.2021, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 19795) - modelling of 3D printing of concrete structures implemented - APIS FRC included in the installation - Automated report generation in ATENA Studio - New material model for cycling reinforcement (Dodds and Restrepo) - Improvements in the reinforcement bond model (corrosion and temperature dependence) - Many other improvements and fixes in the Kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt (support for 3D printing, bond according to fib 2010, improvements of BC for chloride ingress, material characteristics generation in Transport, etc.) Release candidate version 5.7.0n, November 13th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2020) (Build 13.11.2020 rev.19328, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.3.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 19293) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio and in the Kernel () - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release candidate version 5.7.0m, November 6th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2020) (Build 30.10.2020 rev.19221, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.3.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 19139) - Smaller fixes in the Kernel (Beams and Shells: MNQ, loads) Release candidate version 5.7.0l, October 23rd, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2020) (Build 15.10.2020 rev.19131, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.3.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 19139) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio and in the Kernel (displaying results in IPs, refreshing text windows, setting VBO) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release candidate version 5.7.0k, October 9th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2020) (Build 7.10.2020 rev.19104, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.3.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 19115) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio (saving structure views, activities with construction process, saving last interrupted step, switching light in runtime, drawing LCS) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel (prestressing) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 15.0.1 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 8.13 - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.7.0j, September 29th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2020) (Build 21.9.2020 rev.18967, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.3.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 19005) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel (crashes with reinforcement and construction process or 1D beams with empty threads, problems related to applying prestressing, tensor display, connecting 2D+1D elements, reinforcement in 2D shells) and ATENA Studio - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 15.0 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.7.0i, July 9th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 8.7.2020 rev.18608, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.3.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 18598) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel (ASR, skipping DoFs, shells and beams, density for combined material/smeared reinforcement, Aggregate Interlock for Cem2User, clipping planes, activities) - Small improvements in ATENA Studio (monitors and labels in graphs after remeshing) - Disabled superfluous debugging output in ATENA Studio (1D Evolution) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.5 included in the installation - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-Release version 5.7.0h, June 3rd, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 1.6.2020 rev.18355, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.03.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 18403) - Fixed a problem with analysis progress display in ATENA Engineering and ATENA Studio - Smaller fixes in the Kernel (drawing IPs for 1D beam) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-Release version 5.7.0g, May 15th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 15.5.2020 rev.18261, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.03.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 18239) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio (crack transparency, evolution output, default layout, quicker unblocking of the Apply button for results display) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel (improved error/warning messages, damping output, time output, shell, beam, and bar elements) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals [ Pre-Release version 5.7.0fg, April 20th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) with Debug pritouts ] (Build 17.4.2020 rev.18155, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.3.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 18154) - Debug messages for format string problems with labels (Issue 2640) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio and the kernel (transperent cracks, diagnostic and output messages, bond, durability) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Pre-Release version 5.7.0f, March 27th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 26.3.2020 rev.18020, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 19.03.2020, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 5.3.2020, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 18019) - Improved interpolation of imported temperature in time (Creep) - Fixes and improvements in the kernel (ASR, Temperature+Humidity, 1D bars and 2D shells, substepping in Fracture-Plastic materials) - Fixes related to bar orientation in Egr 3D (for bond and prestressing) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (saving views + view styles) - Updated SARA Sci - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.4 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Pre-Release version 5.7.0e, January 24th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 20.1.2020 rev.17650, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.10.2019, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 30.10.2019, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 17577) - Fixed line load orientation in local direction - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (drawing IPs, reading old projects, crashes at analysis restart or switching between Runtime and Post) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-Release version 5.7.0d, December 11th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 11.12.2019 rev.17509, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.10.2019, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 30.10.2019, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 17436) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (evolutions/vectors/tensors & activities, cuts, cracks in 2D, display and activities at analysis restart/switch from&to turbo&/post, animation, caching results, drawing both sides of 2D elements) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (disk full exception, MaxMonitor output, internal material iterations for reduced dimensions, compression-only option for cyclic reinforcement) - Updated SARA Sci - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.102 - Updated Manuals Pre-Release version 5.7.0c, November 25th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 4.11.2019 rev.17271, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.10.2019, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 17354) - Added a pre-release of the New Material Driver utility for debugging material models, especially with a UserMaterialDLL - Updated Engineering 3D GUE (best iteration) - Fixes and improvements in the kernel (ASR, unit conversions in materials, added material "FRC with Added Fracture Energy approach by Peter Karoly Juhasz") - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.3 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Pre-Release version 5.7.0b, July 12th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 3.7.2019 rev.16907, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.12.2018, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16905) - Updated Engineering 2D GUE (DXF import with network key) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (zero relative humidity in Transport, initial GAP opening - depending on orientation) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.92 - Updated Manuals Pre-Release version 5.7.0a, April 25th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 23.4.2019 rev.16698, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.12.2018, 2D 30.10.2018, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16681) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel (reading results with Initial GAP opening, text output, Moisture Temperature condition, absolute tolerance) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (color of cracks in integration points, question about overwriting animation, colour scale, eigenshapes sorting) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Pre-Release version 5.7.0, March 5th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 15.10.2018) (Build 21.2.2019 rev.16592, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.12.2018, 2D 30.10.2018, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16596) - Updated Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs (3D: redraw after meshing, best iteration option, decimal digits for aggregate size and in crack filter in Runtime, cyclic reinforcement default parameters + other small fixes and improvements) - Improved support for 1D beam and 2D shell elements (connecting conditions) - Improved speed of some operations (redrawing, results extraction) - Many small fixes and changes in the Kernel, ATENA Studio, and UpdateCheck - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.2 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.90 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1r, September 29th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 8.6.2020 rev.18606, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.10.2019, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 19000) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel (Aggregate Interlock for Cem2User, ip/ref_ip_coords for CCBeamNL_1D, matrix+vector comparisons), ATENA Studio, and AtenaConsole - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD versions 14.0.5 and 15.0 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1q, May 15th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 13.5.2020 rev.18245, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.10.2019, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 18233) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (default layout, quicker unblocking of the Apply button for results display) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel (improved error/warning messages, damping output, time output, shell elements) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1p, March 27th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 26.2.2020 rev.17830, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.10.2019, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 18016) - Improved interpolation of imported temperature in time (Creep) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (saving views + view styles) - Updated SARA Sci - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.4 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1o, January 24th, 2020 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 21.1.2020 rev.17618, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.10.2019, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 17578) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (evolutions/vectors/tensors & activities, cuts, cracks in 2D, display and activities and crashes at analysis restart/switch from&to turbo&post, animation, drawing IPs, reading old projects) - Fixed the compression-only option for cyclic reinforcement - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.102 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1n, November 22nd, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 1.11.2019 rev.17261, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.10.2019, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 17311) - Updated Engineering 3D GUEs (redraw after meshing, best iteration option, decimal digits for aggregate size and in crack filter in Runtime, cyclic reinforcement default parameters + other small fixes and improvements) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (eigenshapes sorting) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.3 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1m, July 12th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 3.7.2019 rev.16910, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16904) - Fixed a bug with initial GAP opening (depending on orientation) - Returned to the previous 3D GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.92 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1l, June 25th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 25.6.2019 rev.16866, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.12.2018, 2D 24.6.2019, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16828) - Updated Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs (3D: redraw after meshing, best iteration option, decimal digits for aggregate size and in crack filter in Runtime, cyclic reinforcement default parameters + other small fixes and improvements; 2D: DXF import with network key) Release version 5.6.1k, June 21st, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 20.6.2019 rev.16843, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16828) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (zero relative humidity in Transport) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1j, April 5th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 4.4.2019 rev.16658, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16661) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (reading results with Initial GAP opening) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (color of cracks in integration points, question about overwriting animation, colour scale) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.6.1i, February 20th, 2019 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 18.2.2019 rev.16589, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16595) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (cables and bonded bars, internal solution tolerances, division by zero in fatigue) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (crash when closing while Signal highliting displayed) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.2 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.90 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1h, December 13th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 11.12.2018 rev.16478, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16473) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (local coordinate cross colours for cuts, 1D evolution on cuts only available in Post) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (Arc Length, warnings about undefined nodes) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1g, October 17th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 26.9.2018 rev.16287, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16296) - A fix in ATENA Studio (updating Activities when ending analysis in Turbo mode) - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.1f, September 27th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 26.9.2018 rev.16287, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16296) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.6.1e, September 27th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 26.9.2018 rev.16287, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16258) - Fixed a bug when reading old results (from ATENA 5.1.1 and older) Release version 5.6.1d, September 21st, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 14.9.2018 rev.16234, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16258) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.6.1c, September 14th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 14.9.2018 rev.16234, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16236) - Improvements in informative/debugging outputs about Master-Slave (reduced .out file size when connecting 2D shells or 1D beams) + reduced other debugging outputs - Fixed a bug in ATENA Studio (drawing vectors) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, incl. the tool for importing results A2G, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.6.1b, August 17th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 17.8.2018 rev.16101, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 16.8.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16059) - Fixes and improvements in the Microplane material (M7) - A few fixes in ATENA Studio (forces on cut plane for 1D elements - reinforcement, display refresh at analysis restart, updating Activities when returning from Turbo mode, scanning, results list refresh) - Disabled debugging outputs about Master-Slave (which have been increasing the .out file size significantly) - Updated SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.1 included in the installation - Smaller changes in the installer (redistributables) Release version 5.6.1a, July 10th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 15.6.2018 rev.15969, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15988) - Smaller changes in the installer (option to skip .NET installation/repair) Release version 5.6.1, July 4th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2018) (Build 15.6.2018 rev.15969, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15988) - Improvements and fixes in ATENA Studio (Colour scale for Vectors and Tensors, font and coordinate cross size, animations, Structure properties) - AtenaWin removed from installation (planned to return in 5.7.) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Smaller changes in the installer (newest GiD listed first) - New GiD version 14.0 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.0j, April 27th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.9.2017) (Build 24.4.2018 rev.15858, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15881) - Fixed a bug in ATENA Studio (when switching steps) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.6.0i, April 6th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.9.2017) (Build 3.4.2018 rev.15806, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15756) - Smaller fixes in the installer (SARA) and ATENA Studio (text in cut plane definition) - COD can now be displayed for Microplane - new element type options IGNORE_NEGATIVE_JACOBIAN and IGNORE_ELEMENT_TYPE_EXCEPTION (not yet supported from any GUE) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.6.0h, February 12th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.9.2017) (Build 1.2.2018 rev.15700, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15727) - Updated SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.0.4 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.63 - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.6.0g, January 25th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2017) (Build 8.1.2018 rev.15611, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 27.11.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15562) - Improvements and fixes in ATENA Studio (1D evolution values to clipboard, graph values to clipboard) - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.6.0f, January 10th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2017) (Build 8.1.2018 rev.15611, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 27.11.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15562) - Fixed a random bug when writing an Input file with Contacts from Engineering 3D - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel (mainly 1D beams and 2D shells) and in ATENA Studio - Changes in the installer (installer language follows system language and preselects czech Engineering UI, command line switches /EN and /CS) - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.6.0e, December 5th, 2017 (minimum required maintenance end 1.6.2017) (Build 4.12.2017 rev.15558, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 23.11.2017, 2D 23.11.2017, SARA 27.11.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15562) - Updated Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs and SARA - Fixed a bug in ATENA Studio (creating animation if there is no graph) - Small fixes in the kernel (cables) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Pre-release version 5.6.0d, November 21st, 2017 (Build 15.11.2017 rev.15498, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15469) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel (monitors, Master-Slave, a bug in SkyLine for Transport, parameter changes in chained materials, corrosion) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (checking for .inp file changes, vectors+tensors, 1D evolution, colour scale) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.0.3 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.60 - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.6.0c, October 19th, 2017 (Build 18.10.2017 rev.15354, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15338) - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer (DLL registration) - Fixed a bug resulting in an exception when closing ATENA Studio Pre-release version 5.6.0b, October 11th, 2017 (Build 4.10.2017 rev.15301, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15338) - Vector and tensor display in ATENA Studio - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio (selecting by spacebar, saving last step when interrupted, diagrams, iteration number display, checking for .inp file changes) - Many fixes and improvements in the kernel (connecting 1D beams and 2D shells to other elements, shells and beams, solvers, LCS) - Updated SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated installer - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.6.0a, August 11th, 2017 (Build 10.8.2017 rev.15055, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15034) - Added option IGNORE_REF_HEIGHT, IGNORE_REF_WIDTH for 1D and 3D beams - Updated SARA Pre-release version 5.6.0, August 4th, 2017 (Build 3.8.2017 rev.15042, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 31.7.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15034) - many changes, improvements, and optimizatons in the kernel (boundary and connection conditions for 2D shells and 1D beams, chlorides+carbonation) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.4.1q, February 12th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2017) (Build 8.1.2018 rev.15612, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15728) - Updated SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.0.4 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.63 Release version 5.4.1p, January 10th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2017) (Build 8.1.2018 rev.15612, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 27.11.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15565) - Fixed a random bug when writing an Input file with Contacts from Engineering 3D Release version 5.4.1o, December 5th, 2017 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2017) (Build 4.12.2017 rev.15559, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 27.11.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15565) - Small fixes in the kernel (cables) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.4.1n, November 30th, 2017 (minimum required maintenance end 31.8.2017) (Build 27.11.2017 rev.15533, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 27.11.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15530) - Updated SARA (crash in the Start analysis dialog for Egr 2D, 3D) - Updated ConMix - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Small fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio (creating animation if there is no graph, checking for .inp file changes) - Small fixes in the kernel (monitors) - New GiD version 13.0.3 included in the installation - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.60 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.4.1m, October 24th, 2017 (Build 24.10.2017 rev.15370, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15394) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.4.1l, October 24th, 2017 (Build 24.10.2017 rev.15370, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15339) Release version 5.4.1k, October 16th, 2017 (Build 4.10.2017 rev.15303, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15339) - Small fixes and improvements in the kernel (shells and beams, LCS) and ATENA Studio (selecting by spacebar, saving last step when interrupted, diagrams, iteration number display, checking for .inp file changes) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated installer Release version 5.4.1j, August 11th, 2017 (Build 3.8.2017 rev.15046, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14940) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio (colour scale, cuts, animations, moments+internal forces (MNQ) for shells) - Fixed a bug displaying results in smeared reinforcement layers of IsoShell elements - Fixed a bug in the kernel (related to extreme number of comment lines in Input File .inp) - Updated SARA - Updated Examples Release version 5.4.1i, July 14th, 2017 (Build 10.5.2017 rev.14725, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 14.7.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14940) - Updated SARA Release version 5.4.1h, July 11th, 2017 (Build 10.5.2017 rev.14725, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 26.6.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14940) - Updated SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.55 Release version 5.4.1g, May 12th, 2017 (Build 10.5.2017 rev.14725, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14690) - Fixed a bug while creating the Input File in ATENA 3D - Fixes and improvements in handling connection conditions (Master-Slave etc.) Release version 5.4.1f, April 19th, 2017 (Build 13.4.2017 rev.14687, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14690) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (running Update Check) and the kernel (geometry/element type diagnostics) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.4.1e, April 11th, 2017 (Build 11.4.2017 rev.14677, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14635) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (outputs in turbo mode) and AtenaConsole (a superfluous message when stopped due to the Conditional Break Criteria) - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer Release candidate version 5.4.1d, April 4th, 2017 (Build 22.3.2017 rev.14575, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14635) - Updated Engineering 3D GUE (fixed a bug in copying to clipboard) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.0.2 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.54 - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.4.1c, March 26th, 2017 (Build 22.3.2017 rev.14575, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.3.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14543) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (animations in x64 version) and in the kernel (cables, bonded bars, wedge shells) - Updated Engineering 3D GUE (rendering method choice) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.4.1b, March 24th, 2017 (Build 16.3.2017 rev.14516, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.2.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14513) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (graphs), the kernel (reading models with fatigue), and Update Check (displaying UNKNOWN instead of version number) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release candidate version 5.4.1a, February 24th, 2017 (Build 20.2.2017 rev.14444, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.2.2017, 2D 17.1.2017, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14439) - Updated Engineering 3D GUE (solves display problems in W8&10 at least for some videocard+OS combinations) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (cables and bonded bars, eigenvalues in 2D material) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples Release candidate version 5.4.1, February 10th, 2017 (Build 9.2.2017 rev.14418, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 22.12.2016, 2D 22.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14401) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (working with models through network, displaying bond results, creep, contacts with shells, reading results with UserDLL material, american units) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (monitors' dialog, coordinate cross) and in the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.53 - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.4.0h, December 30th, 2016 (Build 19.12.2016 rev.14241, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 22.12.2016, 2D 22.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14249) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Pre-release version 5.4.0g, December 22nd, 2016 (Build 19.12.2016 rev.14241, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 22.12.2016, 2D 22.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14246) - Updated Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs - Smaller fixes and changes in the kernel (american units in material, bond, cables) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Pre-release version 5.4.0f, December 16th, 2016 (Build 13.12.2016 rev.14213, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14228) - A fix for generating mesh in Engineering 3D - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio and the kernel (connecting 1D beams with other elements, t3d, FireBoundaryLoad) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.1.2D included in the installation - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.4.0e, December 9th, 2016 (Build 2.12.2016 rev.14151, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14141) - Updated ATENA Engineering 2D GUE - A fix for generating brick (hexahedra) elements in some cased in Engineering 3D - Change of the shear response in the NLCem2 materials family - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio, the kernel (connecting 1D beams with other elements, displaying results, t3d), and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Pre-release version 5.4.0d, November 28th, 2016 (Build 25.11.2016 rev.14087, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 12.10.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14095) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio and in the kernel (Master-Slave) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated OpenTK to 2.0 Pre-release version 5.4.0c, November 8th, 2016 (Build 7.11.2016 rev.13985, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 12.10.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13978) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (turbo mode, 1D evolution) and the kernel (colour scale, bond reset, wobble friction, transport elements) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.0.1 included in the installation - DotNET updated from 4.0 to 4.5 in the installer - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.4.0b, October 11th, 2016 (Build 10.10.2016 rev.13842, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 7.10.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13834) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (cut planes) and the kernel (time tolerances, displayed spring orientation) - Updated ATENA Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Pre-release version 5.4.0a, October 7th, 2016 (Build 6.10.2016 rev.13826, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 18.8.2016, 2D 7.9.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13804) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (1D Evolution, cut planes), the kernel, and the installer Pre-release version 5.4.0, October 5th, 2016 (Build 5.10.2016 rev.13810, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 18.8.2016, 2D 7.9.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13804) - Modelling injected cables (combining prestressing losses and bond) - 2D Shells and 1D Beams - Added the option of the old, sharp-edged interface failure surface (TENSION_ELIPS 0) instead of the default ellipse (TENSION_ELIPS 1) - ATENA Studio: re-enabled and improved 1D Evolution and multiple Cut Planes generator - Loads at arbitrary locations (loding part of a surface or line) - Calculation of damage through chlorides and carbonation - Smaller changes and fixes in the kernel, the ATENA Studio and Engineering 3D environments, and in the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, incl. the tool for importing results A2G, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.5i, October 17th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 30.8.2017) (Build 26.9.2018 rev.16288, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16297) - A fix in ATENA Studio (updating Activities when ending analysis in Turbo mode) - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.5h, September 27th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 30.8.2017) (Build 26.9.2018 rev.16288, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16297) - Fixed a bug when reading old results (from ATENA 5.1.1 and older) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.3.5g, August 17th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 30.8.2017) (Build 13.8.2018 rev.16074, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 16099) - A few fixes in ATENA Studio (forces on cut plane for 1D elements - reinforcement, display refresh at analysis restart, updating Activities when returning from Turbo mode, results list refresh) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 14.0.1 included in the installation - Smaller changes in the installer (Intel redistributables, option to skip .NET installation/repair, SARA Sci links) Release version 5.3.5f, July 4th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 30.8.2017) (Build 25.4.2018 rev.15866, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15989) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Smaller changes in the installer (newest GiD listed first) - New GiD version 14.0 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.5e, April 27th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 30.8.2017) (Build 25.4.2018 rev.15866, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15883) - COD can now be displayed for Microplane - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.5d, February 12th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 30.8.2017) (Build 5.1.2018 rev.15609, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 26.1.2018, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15729) - Updated SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.0.4 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.63 Release version 5.3.5c, January 10th, 2018 (minimum required maintenance end 30.8.2017) (Build 5.1.2018 rev.15609, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 27.11.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15567) - Fixed a random bug when writing an Input file with Contacts from Engineering 3D Release version 5.3.5b, December 5th, 2017 (minimum required maintenance end 30.8.2017) (Build 4.12.2017 rev.15561, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 27.11.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15567) - Updated SARA (crash in the Start analysis dialog for Egr 2D, 3D) - Small fixes in the kernel (cables) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer Release version 5.3.5a, November 21st, 2017 (Build 15.11.2017 rev.15500, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15471) - Updated ConMix - Small fixes in the kernel (monitors) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.5, November 2nd, 2017 (Build 24.10.2017 rev.15374, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.4.2017, 2D 21.3.2017, SARA 4.8.2017, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15334) - Updated Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs and SARA - Small fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio (checking for .inp file changes) - New GiD version 13.0.3 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.60 - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4z, October 16th, 2017 (Build 4.10.2017 rev.15305, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 15334) - Small fixes and improvements in the kernel (shells and beams, LCS) and ATENA Studio (selecting by spacebar, saving last step when interrupted, diagrams, iteration number display, checking for .inp file changes) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated installer Release version 5.3.4y, Aug 4th, 2017 (Build 3.8.2017 rev.15045, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14789) - Fixed a bug displaying results in smeared reinforcement layers of IsoShell elements Release version 5.3.4x, Jul 27th, 2017 (Build 26.7.2017 rev.15012, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14789) - Fixed a bug displaying moments+internal forces (MNQ) for shells in ATENA Studio Release version 5.3.4w, Jul 11th, 2017 (Build 3.7.2017 rev.14964, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14789) - Fixed a bug in the kernel (related to extreme number of comment lines in Input File .inp) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.55 Release version 5.3.4v, May 12th, 2017 (Build 10.5.2017 rev.14727, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14694) - Fixed a bug while creating the Input File in ATENA 3D Release version 5.3.4u, April 19th, 2017 (Build 22.3.2017 rev.14577, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14694) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (outputs in turbo mode) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer Release version 5.3.4t, April 4th, 2017 (Build 22.3.2017 rev.14577, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14634) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (wedge shells) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.0.2 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.54 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4s, March 17th, 2017 (Build 16.3.2017 rev.14515, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14511) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (graphs) and the kernel (reading models with fatigue) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.3.4r, February 23rd, 2017 (Build 22.2.2017 rev.14435, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14438) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (cables and bonded bars) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.3.4q, February 10th, 2017 (Build 9.2.2017 rev.14417, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 22.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14402) - Smaller fixes in ATENA Studio (monitors' dialog), the kernel (reading results with UserDLL material, american units), and in the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4p, January 17th, 2017 (Build 17.1.2017 rev.14310, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 22.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14301) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (working with models through network, displaying bond results, creep, contacts with shells) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4o, December 30th, 2016 (Build 19.12.2016 rev.14242, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 22.12.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14247) - Updated Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs - Smaller fixes and changes in the kernel (bond) Release version 5.3.4n, December 20th, 2016 (Build 19.12.2016 rev.14236, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14247) - Smaller fixes and changes in the kernel (american units in material) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.3.4m, December 13th, 2016 (Build 12.12.2016 rev.14205, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 1.12.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14201) - Updated ATENA Engineering 2D GUE - Smaller fixes and changes in the kernel (FireBoundaryLoad) and in ATENA Studio - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4l, December 9th, 2016 (Build 2.12.2016 rev.14142, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 12.10.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14093) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (displaying results) and in the installer Release version 5.3.4k, November 25th, 2016 (Build 25.11.2016 rev.14088, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 12.10.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 14093) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio and the kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.3.4j, November 8th, 2016 (Build 7.11.2016 rev.13987, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 12.10.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13983) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (turbo mode, interrupted step) and the kernel (colour scale, transport elements) - Updated ATENA Engineering 2D - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 13.0.1 included in the installation Release version 5.3.4i, October 12th, 2016 (Build 12.10.2016 rev.13861, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.10.2016, 2D 7.10.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13866) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (cut planes), the kernel (time tolerances, displayed spring orientation), and the installer - Updated ATENA Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4h, October 5th, 2016 (Build 4.10.2016 rev.13794, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 18.8.2016, 2D 7.9.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13805) - Smaller fixes in the kernel (memory leaks) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.3.4g, September 30th, 2016 (Build 29.9.2016 rev.13758, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 18.8.2016, 2D 7.9.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13714) - Smaller fixes and changes in the ATENA Studio environment and in the kernel (correction of the shear response in the NLCem2 materials family and others) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4f, September 9th, 2016 (Build 31.8.2016 rev.13517, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 18.8.2016, 2D 7.9.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13559) - Updated ATENA Engineering 2D - Smaller fixes and changes in the ATENA Studio environment (list of quantities for display) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4e, September 1st, 2016 (Build 31.8.2016 rev.13517, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 18.8.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13473) - Smaller fixes and changes in the ATENA Engineering 3D and Studio environments and in the kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4d, August 12th, 2016 (Build 5.8.2016 rev.13432, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 5.8.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13385) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (command line arguments), SARA, the kernel, and in the installer Release version 5.3.4c, July 27th, 2016 (Build 27.7.2016 rev.13397, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 30.6.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13385) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (selections, command line arguments) and UpdateCheck - Smaller fixes in the kernel (creep + ahmad shell and 3D beam elements) - Updated SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Smaller fixes and changes in the installer - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.3.4b, June 28th, 2016 (Build 16.6.2016 rev.13272, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13214) - ATENA Studio: disabled 1D Evolution and multiple Cut Planes generator - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.3.4a, June 20th, 2016 (Build 16.6.2016 rev.13272, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13214) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (cut planes) - New GiD version 13.0 included in the installation - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.3.4, June 3rd, 2016 (Build 2.6.2016 rev.13229, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 13214) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio, the Kernel (1D evolution, colour scale, time precision in Dynamics and Creep, reading results in x64), and the installer - Fatigue now offers 2 modes: 1. with R-COD (as in 5.1.3) and 2. with trilinear stress based damage (as in previous 5.3.x, now activated with ksi_fatigue=-1) - Fixed a bug when applying prestressing from both ends of a 2D cable - First incomplete version of Tutorial on modelling Fibre Reinforced Conrete - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.10 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.3.3e, April 18th, 2016 (Build 15.4.2016 rev.13053, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12949) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio and the Kernel (1D evolution, cut+clip planes, colour scale, shells) - Updated Examples Release candidate version 5.3.3d, March 31st, 2016 (Build 21.3.2016 rev.12911, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12949) - Fixed a bug when applying prestressing from both ends of a cable - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (animations, cut and clipping planes, activity and construction process, colour scale) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.9 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.3.3c, March 7th, 2016 (Build 24.2.2016 rev.12784, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12790) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.3.3b, February 25th, 2016 (Build 24.2.2016 rev.12784, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12778) - Fixed a bug when running analysis with Interface Elements in ATENA Engineering 3D Release candidate version 5.3.3a, February 24th, 2016 (Build 18.2.2016 rev.12759, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 19.2.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12778) - Smaller fixes and changes in the Kernel (exceptions in multithreading, reinforcement in 2D shells and 1D beams) and in the ATENA Studio and Engineering 2D GUEs - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.3.3, February 4th, 2016 (Build 3.2.2016 rev.12711, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.1.2016, 2D 20.1.2016, SARA 29.1.2016, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12709) - Smaller fixes and changes in the Kernel (exceptions in multithreading, shells in ATENA 3D, shells and beams, body and boundary loads with Arc Length) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (err and msg buffer windows, graphs) - Updated ATENA Engineering 3D and SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.3.2a, December 15th, 2015 (Build 10.12.2015 rev.12444, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 14.12.2015, 2D 13.11.2015, SARA 13.11.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12439) - Updated ATENA Engineering 3D (IsoShell support, ending when started from SARA) - Smaller fixes and changes in the Kernel (reading old results, moments and internal forces on shells and beams) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.8 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.41 - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.3.2, November 27th, 2015 (Build 25.11.2015 rev.12349, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 13.11.2015, 2D 13.11.2015, SARA 13.11.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12367) - Smaller fixes and changes in the Kernel (dynamic analysis, creep, fatigue, NLCem2 and NLCem2User), the installer, and in the ATENA Studio GUE (graphs) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.3.1e, October 23rd, 2015 (Build 23.10.2015 rev.12122, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 1.10.2015, 2D 22.10.2015, SARA 22.10.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11981) - Smaller fixes and changes in the Kernel (fatigue and dynamic analysis, reinforcement, ElementBodyLoad), in the Engineering 3D and Studio GUEs, and in SARA - Small changes in the Installer (associating the x64 version with .ccs when available) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.3.1d, September 10th, 2015 (Build 9.9.2015 rev.11806, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 13.8.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11786) - Fixes and changes in the Kernel (fatigue analysis, transport, creep) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA Studio GUE (redrawing, cuts) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.7 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.3.1c, August 26th, 2015 (Build 21.8.2015 rev.11686, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 13.8.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11710) - Fixes and changes in the Kernel (fatigue analysis) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.3.1b, August 21st, 2015 (Build 21.8.2015 rev.11686, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 13.8.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11683) - Updated ATENA Engineering 2D, 3D (precision in dialogs, an eror in monitor list) - Fixes and changes in the Kernel (fatigue analysis, SBETA, NLCem2) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.3.1a, August 7th, 2015 (Build 7.8.2015 rev.11660, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 3.8.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11627) - Fixes and changes in the Kernel (fatigue analysis) - Fixed an issue with mesh generator in 2D Engineering - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.32 Pre-release version 5.3.1, July 22nd, 2015 (Build 20.7.2015 rev.11597, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11552) - Small fixes in the Kernel (dynamic analysis), SARA+RLACS, and in Update Check - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.3.0, June 5th, 2015 (Build 5.6.2015 rev.11473, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11382) - new elements 2D shell - point forces in elements (CCElementBodyLoad a CCElementBoundaryLoad) - Small fixes and improvements in the Kernel and ATENA Studio (above all selections, Boundary Reactions, cut planes in 2D, materials NCem2* and Interface) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.2.0, January 29th, 2015 (Build 28.1.2015 rev.10928, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10946) - Added a special loading type for tunnel excavation (Boundary Reactions for Line) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.3f, January 8th, 2016 (Build 6.1.2016 rev.12560, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 14.12.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, SARA/RLACS 12.10.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12562) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (graphs) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.1.3e, January 5th, 2016 (Build 4.1.2016 rev.12536, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 14.12.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, SARA/RLACS 12.10.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12527) - Smaller fixes and changes in the Kernel (exceptions in multithreading) and in ATENA Studio (graphs) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.3d, December 22nd, 2015 (Build 21.12.2015 rev.12521, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 14.12.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, SARA/RLACS 12.10.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12519) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (err and msg buffer windows) and the Kernel (exceptions in multithreading) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.1.3c, December 15th, 2015 (Build 10.12.2015 rev.12407, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 14.12.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, SARA/RLACS 12.10.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12441) - Updated ATENA Engineering 3D (IsoShell support, ending when started from SARA) - Smaller fixes and changes in ATENA Studio (graphs) and the Kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.8 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.41 - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.3b, November 24th, 2015 (Build 24.11.2015 rev.12325, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 1.10.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, SARA/RLACS 12.10.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12338) - Smaller fixes and changes in the Kernel (fatigue, NLCem2 and NLCem2User, IsoShell), the installer, and in the ATENA Studio GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.1.3a, October 23rd, 2015 (Build 19.10.2015 rev.12052, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 1.10.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, SARA/RLACS 12.10.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 12103) - Smaller fixes and changes in the Kernel (fatigue and dynamic analysis, reinforcement), in the ATENA Engineering 3D and Studio GUEs, and in SARA/RLACS - Small changes in the Installer (associating the x64 version with .ccs when available) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.3, September 9th, 2015 (Build 9.9.2015 rev.11816, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 13.8.2015, 2D 13.8.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11787) - Updated ATENA Engineering 2D, 3D (precision in dialogs, an error in monitor list) - Fixes and changes in the Kernel (fatigue analysis, SBETA, NLCem2, transport, creep) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA Studio GUE (redrawing, cuts) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.7 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 7.32 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.2e, August 3rd, 2015 (Build 21.7.2015 rev.11604, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 3.8.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11591) - Fixed an issue with mesh generator in 2D Engineering - Small fixes in the Kernel (dynamic analysis, communication with Egr 2D+3D), SARA+RLACS, and in Update Check - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.2d, June 19th, 2015 (Build 19.6.2015 rev.11514, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11516) - Small fixes in RLACS and in the Kernel - Fixed a problem with reinforcement monitors and construction process in ATENA 3D - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.6 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.2c, June 4th, 2015 (Build 4.6.2015 rev.11461, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11390) - Small fixes and improvements in the Kernel and ATENA Studio - Updated SARA+RLACS - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.2b, May 29th, 2015 (Build 29.5.2015 rev.11397, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11390) - Small fixes and improvements in the Kernel and ATENA Studio (among others, in material models NLCem2* and Interface) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.2a, May 25th, 2015 (Build 29.4.2015 rev.11248, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11332) - Improvements in ConMix - Updated SARA+RLACS - Small fixes and improvements in the installer (it is no more needed to run the installer 2 times when installing ATENA for the 1st time) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.2, May 4th, 2015 (Build 29.4.2015 rev.11248, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11247) - Added ConMix utility for determining material parametrs for Transport - Improvements in the NonlinearCementitious2 material family (cyclic loading) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.5 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.1t, April 16th, 2015 (Build 14.4.2015 rev.11203, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11216) - Small fixes and improvements in the Kernel and the installer - Rupture of reinforcement with the Bilinear with Hardening law is now considered in ATENA 3D (at eps_lim) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.1s, March 12th, 2015 (Build 3.3.2015 rev.11071, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 5.3.2015, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11113) - Small fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio, ATENA 3D - Smaller improvements in the ATENA Kernel (Fire Load/HC, MHC Curves) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.4 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.1r, February 16th, 2015 (Build 12.2.2015 rev.11015, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 11004) - Fixed problems with importing Transport results into Static or Creep analysis - Small fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio, Update Check, and in the installer - Updated SARA+RLACS - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 6.65 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.1q, February 5th, 2015 "ATENA User Seminar" (Build 28.1.2015 rev.10929, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 4.2.2015, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10901) - Changes in the colour scale and graphs in the ATENA Studio GUE - Small fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio and in the installer - Fixed problem generating the mesh for small macroelements in ATENA 2D Release version 5.1.1p, January 29th, 2015 (Build 28.1.2015 rev.10929, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10901) - Changes in the colour scale and graphs in the ATENA Studio GUE - Context help in ATENA Studio - Updated SARA, added support of ATENA Science (RLACS) - Small fixes in the Kernel (parallel solution with Interface elements) and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.1o, December 23rd, 2014 (Build 22.12.2014 rev.10835, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10813) - Changes in the colour scale in the ATENA Studio GUE - Fixed convergence graph in ATENA Studio - Small fixes and improvements in the Kernel (NLCem2Fatigue) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.1.1n, December 11th, 2014 (Build 4.12.2014 rev.10781, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10794) - Small fixes and improvements in the Update Check utility and in the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.3 included in the installation Release candidate version 5.1.1m, December 3rd, 2014 (Build 3.12.2014 rev.10775, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10704) - Small fixes and improvements in the Update Check utility - Fixed default convergence summary graph in ATENA Studio Release candidate version 5.1.1l, November 25th, 2014 (Build 24.11.2014 rev.10741, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10704) - A small fix in the Update Check utility Release candidate version 5.1.1k, November 21st, 2014 (Build 21.11.2014 rev.10739, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10704) - Small fixes and changes in the colour scale in the ATENA Studio GUE - Small fix in the Kernel (von Mises stress, floating point exceptions in NLCem2Fatigue) Release candidate version 5.1.1j, November 20th, 2014 (Build 20.11.2014 rev.10729, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10704) - Improved floating point exceptions handling in NLCem2Fatigue material - Small fixes and changes in the colour scale in the ATENA Studio GUE Release candidate version 5.1.1i, November 18th, 2014 (Build 18.11.2014 rev.10709, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.11.2014, 2D 18.11.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10704) - Improved control over the colour scale in ATENA Studio - Fixed colour scale display in ATENA 3D - Larger point/element numbers in ATENA 3D - Fixed wrong reactions for some models (tolerance for Master-Slave/LHS-BCs) - Fixes and changes in the Cementitious2 material family (above all related to cyclic response and temperature dependency) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA kernel, ATENA 3D, ATENA Studio, and AtenaWin - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.1.1h, November 7th, 2014 (Build 6.11.2014 rev.10639, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.10.2014, 2D 17.10.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10643) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA kernel, ATENA Studio, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.2 included in the installation - Updated Manuals Release candidate version 5.1.1g, October 24th, 2014 (Build 23.10.2014 rev.10589, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.10.2014, 2D 17.10.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10573) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA kernel and in the Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.1f, October 16th, 2014 (Build 16.10.2014 rev.10549, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 16.10.2014, 2D 15.10.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10546) - Drawing circumferential reinforcement in axisymmetry in AtenaWin and ATENA Studio - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel and the ATENA Studio GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.1e, October 8th, 2014 (Build 7.10.2014 rev.10478, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 29.9.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10498) - Internal forces in the ATENA Studio GUE - Fixed problems with imperial units in the ATENA 3D GUE (some issues only fixed for newly created models) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel, the ATENA Studio GUE, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.1d, September 16th, 2014 (Build 15.9.2014 rev.10342, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 14.9.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10337) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel and the ATENA 3D GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.1c, September 11th, 2014 ATENA Seminar (Build 11.9.2014 rev.10325, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 10.9.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10326) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA kernel (NLCementitious2User material) and ATENA 3D (imperial units, memory bond) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.1b, September 3rd, 2014 ATENA Seminar (Build 3.9.2014 rev.10282, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.9.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10280) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA 3D GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Pre-release version 5.1.1a, September 2nd, 2014 (Build 2.9.2014 rev.10271, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 14.8.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10241) - Fixed a bug with surface elements (springs, membranes) - Fixed a problem with monitoring points and construction cases in ATENA 3D - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA 3D GUE - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel (MemoryBond, Boundary Load, NLCementitious2Fatigue, colour scale) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 12.0.1 included in the installation - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 6.64 - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.1, August 14th, 2014 (Build 14.8.2014 rev.10213, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 14.8.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10194) - Enabled multithreading support in the Kernel - Fixed a problem displaying graphs in the ATENA 3D environment - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA 3D GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.0d, July 30th, 2014 (Build 29.7.2014 rev.10123, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 9.6.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10135) - Smaller fixes and changes in the ATENA kernel (master-slave, CC3DNonLinCementitiousMaterial2) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.0c, July 24th, 2014 (Build 23.7.2014 rev.10079, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 9.6.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10088) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the ATENA 3D GUE - Fixed small bugs in the kernel - New GiD versions 11.0.8 and 12.0 included in the installation - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.0b, June 24th, 2014 "ATENA Seminar" (Build 24.6.2014 rev.10016, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 9.6.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10006) - Smaller fixes in the Kernel, related to ATENA Engineering - Fixed small issues in the installer (silent installation) Pre-release version 5.1.0a, June 20th, 2014 (Build 20.6.2014 rev.10001, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 9.6.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10006) - Smaller fixes in the Kernel and ATENA Studio - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.1.0, June 16th, 2014 (Build 10.6.2014 rev.9915, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 9.6.2014, 2D 10.6.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9973) - Multithreaded kernel - New shell and beam elements (IsoShell, IsoBeam) - Many smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel and in the ATENA 3D and 2D GUEs - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3j, August 29th, 2014 (Build 29.8.2014 rev.10261, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10252) - Fixed bugs in surface elements (springs, membranes) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3i, August 5th, 2014 (Build 22.7.2014 rev.10069, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10182) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3h, July 30th, 2014 (Build 22.7.2014 rev.10069, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10132) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3g, July 28th, 2014 (Build 22.7.2014 rev.10069, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10070) - Fixed a problem of running models with shells in ATENA 3D - Fixed small bugs in the kernel - New GiD version 11.0.8 included in the installation - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3f, June 19th, 2014 (Build 19.6.2014 rev.10003, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 10004) - Small fixes and improvements in the Kernel and AtenaWin - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 6.63 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3e, May 23rd, 2014 (Build 23.5.2014 rev.9842, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9697) - fixed a problem with connecting reinforcement in construction process Release version 5.0.3d, May 2nd, 2014 (Build 30.4.2014 rev.9775, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9697) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New GiD version 11.0.7 included in the installation - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3c, February 18th, 2014 (Build 18.2.2014 rev.9520:9521, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9523) - Fixed a problem with short time steps in dynamic analysis - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3b, February 10th, 2014 (Build 5.2.2014 rev.9471, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9464) - Fixed a problem with quadratic interface elements - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3a, February 4th, 2014 (Build 14.1.2014 rev.9379, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9464) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.3, January 20th, 2014 (Build 14.1.2014 rev.9379, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 15.1.2014, 2D 15.1.2014, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9420) - Fixes in the Engineering 3D GUE - construction process, text output, Windows 8+ - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.2h, December 19th, 2013 (Build 5.12.2013 rev.9297, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 22.11.2013, 2D 4.12.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9048) - Updated Manuals - Fixed small issues in the installer (silent installation of GiD) Release version 5.0.2g, December 6th, 2013 (Build 5.12.2013 rev.9297, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 22.11.2013, 2D 4.12.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9048) - Fixes in the Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs for Windows 8.1 - UserMaterialDLL: testing implementation of user defined function for elastic matrix (for othotropic material) - Small fixes in the Kernel Release version 5.0.2f, November 1st, 2013 (Build 23.10.2013 rev.9152, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.9.2013, 2D 20.9.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9048) - Small fixes and improvements in the Kernel, ATENA Studio, and the installer - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 6.60 - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.2e, October 16th, 2013 (Build 16.10.2013 rev.9123, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.9.2013, 2D 20.9.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9048) - ATENA Studio can now display Eigenshapes - Fixed a bug with 2 gradient loads applied to the same surface - Fixed a bug refusing to run ATENA 2D with a correct ATENA Engineering license - Small changes in the installer - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.2d, October 8th, 2013 (Build 30.9.2013 rev.9037, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.9.2013, 2D 20.9.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9048) - Small changes in the installer - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.2c, October 4th, 2013 release candidate 6 (Build 30.9.2013 rev.9037, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.9.2013, 2D 20.9.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9048) - Fixed a problem of ignoring the active anchor position of prestressing cables - Fixed a problem of not considering the multipliers for the absolute residual stop criteria in ATENA 3D - SARA: new version of FReET + small fixes and changes - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.2b, September 26th, 2013 release candidate 5 (Build 23.9.2013 rev.9011, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 20.9.2013, 2D 20.9.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 9025) - Fixed a bug not writing the FT_MULIP parameter of the NonLinearCementitious2 material from the ATENA 2D and 3D GUEs - Small fixes and improvements of ATENA Studio (crash on Japanese Windows) and ATENA 3D - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.2a, September 2nd, 2013 release candidate 4 (Build 30.8.2013 rev.8936, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 2.9.2013, 2D 2.9.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8944) - Small fixes and improvements of the ATENA Engineering GUEs - fixed material selection (2D, 3D), fixed+optimized of drawing (2D) - Small improvements in the Kernel for the ATENA 3D GUE - monitoring bond, contacts, and springs - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, incl. the tool for importing results A2G, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt Release version 5.0.2, August 16th, 2013 release candidate 3 (Build 9.8.2013 rev.8894, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 16.8.2013, 2D 16.8.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8925) - Small fixes and improvements in the Kernel (temperature, tension stiffening), ATENA 2D, and SARA - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 5.0.1a, July 11th, 2013 release candidate 2 (Build 10.7.2013 rev.8826, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 11.6.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8822) - Small fixes in the Kernel (temperature-related) and AtenaWin (Activity dialog) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - GiD 11.0.5 Release version 5.0.1, July 4th, 2013 release candidate 1 (Build 3.7.2013 rev.8808, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 11.6.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8628) - Fixed a bug ignoring Tension Stiffening in the Nonlinear Cementitious2 material - Small fixes in the Kernel (cyclic reinforcement, temperature-dependent material) - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0v, June 25th, 2013 (Build 25.6.2013 rev.8775, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 11.6.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8628) - Small fixes in ATENA Studio and the Kernel Pre-release version 5.0.0u, June 18th, 2013 (Build 20.5.2013 rev.8625, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 11.6.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8628) - A fix for starting SARA 3D - Small fixes in ATENA Studio - graphs, menu, icons - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0t, May 27th, 2013 (Build 20.5.2013 rev.8625, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.5.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8628) - A smaller fix related to Microplane material - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0s, May 16th, 2013 (Build 16.5.2013 rev.8602, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.5.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8582) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio and the Kernel - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0r, May 14th, 2013 (Build 10.5.2013 rev.8574, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.5.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8582) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio and the Kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0q, May 9th, 2013 (Build 2.5.2013 rev.8526, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 3.5.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8569) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the installer, ATENA 3D GUE, ATENA Studio, and the Kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0p, April 22nd, 2013 (Build 8.4.2013 rev.8433, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 26.3.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8461) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0o, April 11th, 2013 (Build 8.4.2013 rev.8433, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 26.3.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8411) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel and the installer - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 6.56 - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0n, April 4th, 2013 (Build 2.4.2013 rev.8412, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 26.3.2013, 2D 2.4.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8411) - Added material Microplane7 - New output attribute for Total Strain, incl. thermal volume changes etc. - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel and ATENA Studio - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0m, March 8th, 2013 (Build 8.3.2013 rev.8341, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.1.2013, 2D 7.2.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8286) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio - New hardlock libraries: Sentinel Hasp 6.3 - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0l, March 4th, 2013 (Build 1.3.2013 rev.8325, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.1.2013, 2D 7.2.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8286) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio and the kernel - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0k, February 27th, 2013 (Build 27.2.2013 rev.8279, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.1.2013, 2D 7.2.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8286) - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA Studio, AtenaWin, and the kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0j, February 8th, 2013 (Build 7.2.2013 rev.8201, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.1.2013, 2D 7.2.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8204) - Added data attributes Von Mises Stress and Total Strain - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA 2D, ATENA Studio, the kernel, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0i, January 18th, 2013 (Build 15.1.2013 rev.8105, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 17.1.2013, 2D 15.1.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8124) - Predefined graphs in ATENA Studio - Smaller fixes and improvements in ATENA 2D, 3D and ATENA Studio - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 6.51 - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0h, January 15th, 2013 (Build 15.1.2013 rev.8105, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.12.2012, 2D 15.1.2013, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 8068) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel, ATENA 2D, ATENA Studio, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0g, December 13th, 2012 (Build 12/12/13 rev.8034, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.12.2012, 2D 13.12.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7914) - First implementation of chlorides and carbonation - Modifications in the NonLinearCementitious2 material family and in fatigue material (NonLinearCementitious2Fatigue) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the kernel, ATENA Studio, ATENA Engineering 2D and 3D GUEs Pre-release version 5.0.0f, November 20th, 2012 (Build 12/11/16 rev.7980, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.11.2012, 2D 16.11.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7914) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel, ATENA Studio, AtenaWin, AtenaConsole, and the installer Pre-release version 5.0.0e, November 12th, 2012 (Build 12/11/07 rev.7955, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 7.11.2012, 2D 17.10.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7914) - Fixes and improvements in ATENA Engineering 2D and 3D - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel, ATENA Studio, AtenaWin, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 6.5 - Updated Examples - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0d, October 1st, 2012 (Build 12/10/01 rev.7791, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7763) - Modifications in fatigue material (NonLinearCementitious2Fatigue) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel, ATENA Studio, AtenaWin, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0c, September 6th, 2012 (Build 12/09/04 rev.7751, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7756) - Smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel, ATENA Studio, AtenaWin, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\Atena\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0b, August 24th, 2012 (Build 12/08/23 rev.7697, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7704) - Added an option to use the iteration with the smallest error when a step does not fully converge (best_iteration_store) - Reworked way of handling numerical tolerances during the analysis (NEGLIGIBLE size) - Fixed a problem with the Arc Length method - Updated HASP libraries - Many smaller fixes and improvements in the Kernel, ATENA Studio, AtenaWin, AtenaConsole, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV5\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 5.0.0a, June 19th, 2012 (Build 12/06/18 rev.7345, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7321) - Small fixes in the installer Pre-release version 5.0.0, June 18th, 2012 (Build 12/06/18 rev.7345, ATENA Studio, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7321) - Added ATENA Studio - new Graphical User Interface for ATENA - More element types can now be used for Transport analysis - Added option to use the results from the best iteration in case of convergence problems (set USE_BEST_ITERATION_FOR_CRITERIA) - Many smaller fixes and improvement in the Kernel, AtenaWin, AtenaConsole, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV5\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.3.1g, June 8th, 2012 (Build 12/06/04 rev.7242, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7306) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated examples Release version 4.3.1f, June 5th, 2012 (Build 12/06/04 rev.7242, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7189) - Small fixes in the installer - Fixed AtenaConsole crash if the input file (.inp) can not be opened - Updated Manuals Release version 4.3.1e, May 29th, 2012 (Build 12/05/28 rev.7221, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7189) - Fixed a problem with construction process in ATENA 3D Release version 4.3.1d, May 22nd, 2012 (Build 12/05/17 rev.7162, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7189) - Added GiD 11, GiD 10.0.9 replaces version 10.0.8 in the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Release version 4.3.1c, May 18th, 2012 (Build 12/05/17 rev.7162, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7161) - Fixed a problem with contacts in construction process in ATENA 3D - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Release version 4.3.1b, May 15th, 2012 (Build 12/05/10 rev.7133, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 11.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7120) - Small text fixes in the ATENA 2D GUE - Updated Manuals Release version 4.3.1a, May 11th, 2012 (Build 12/05/10 rev.7133, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 10.05.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7120) - Fixed a problem with construction process in ATENA 3D - Fixed a problem with units and Fire Boundary - Small fixes in the ATENA 2D GUE - Fixed missing graph labels in AtenaWin - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 4.3.1, April 26th, 2012 (Build 12/04/24 rev.7070, GUI 3D 24.04.2012, 2D 26.04.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 7079) - Fixed bugs in Interface material and Moving Gaps - Fixed a problem with construction process in ATENA 3D - Small fixes in the ATENA 3D GUE, the Kernel, and the installer - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.3.0 with Moving Gaps, March 7th, 2012 (Build 12/03/07 rev.6905, GUI 3D 06.02.2012, 2D 27.02.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6739) - Added more advanced contacts (Moving Gaps) Release version 4.3.0k, February 27th, 2012 (Build 12/02/21 rev.6801, GUI 3D 06.02.2012, 2D 27.02.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6739) - Fixed a problem of ATENA 2D not opening the NLCem2 Material Dialog due to wrong translation text files Release version 4.3.0j, February 24th, 2012 (Build 12/02/21 rev.6801, GUI 3D 06.02.2012, 2D 23.02.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6739) - Fixed a bug in Interface material - Small fixes in the ATENA 2D GUE - Updated examples Release version 4.3.0i, February 17th, 2012 (Build 13/02/13 rev.6725, GUI 3D 06.02.2012, 2D 06.02.2012, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6739) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated ATENA Kernel - support for continuing analysis from GiD (commands JUMP and LABEL) - Small fixes in the ATENA 2D and 3D GUEs - Updated Manuals Release version 4.3.0h, February 1st, 2012 (Build 31/01/12 rev.6633, GUI 3D 31.01.2012, 2D 15.12.2011, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6668) - Updated a2g utility importing results into GiD for postprocessing: better support of reinforcement results, fixed a few small problems - The upgrade installer can now add the 64-bit AtenaWin and AtenaConsole - Small fixes in the ATENA 3D GUE - Typo fixes in the ATENA 2D GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.3.0g, January 13th, 2012 (Build 12/01/12 rev.6555, GUI 3D 16.11.2011, 2D 15.12.2011, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6565) - Fixed error sometimes occuring when exiting ATENA 3D - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.3.0f, December 16th, 2011 (Build 11/12/07 rev.6400, GUI 3D 16.11.2011, 2D 15.12.2011, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6427) - Small fixes in the installer and the ATENA 2D GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 4.3.0e, December 8, 2011 (Build 11/12/07 rev.6400, GUI 3D 16.11.2011, 2D 2.12.2011, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6366) - Fixed a problem with fatigue material (NonLinearCementitious2Fatigue) - Small fixes in the analysis kernel (shear on shells, sample times) - Small fixes in ATENA 2D and 3D GUEs - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Pre-release version 4.3.0d, November 16, 2011 (Build 11/11/16 rev.6343, GUI 3D 16.11.2011, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6296) - Small fixes in the analysis kernel and ATENA 3D GUE Pre-release version 4.3.0c, November 8, 2011 (Build 11/11/08 rev.6309, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6296) - Improvements in material for thermal analysis (CCTransportMaterialLevel7) - Fixed a problem with shear on shells - Fixed a problem with construction process in ATENA 3D - Fixed a problem restoring results with NonLinearCementitious3 material - Small improvements the analysis kernel and AtenaWin graphics - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Pre-release version 4.3.0b, October 13, 2011 (Build 11/10/13 rev.6236, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6227) - Fixed a problem with the UNLOADING parameter in the NonLinearCementitious2 material family - Fixed a problem with shear on shells Pre-release version 4.3.0a, October 11, 2011 (Build 11/10/10 rev.6223, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6227) - Fixed a problem in reading old results for the NonLinearCementitious2 and NonLinearCementitious2User materials - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Pre-release version 4.3.0, October 6, 2011 (Build 11/10/06 rev.6212, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 6214) - First 64bit version of the ATENA kernel, AtenaConsole, and AtenaWin (x64) - Improved implementation of hydration heat and general heat sources/sinks (materials CCTransportMaterialLevel1-CCTransportMaterialLevel7) - Completely new graph component in AtenaWin - Added option to apply initial opening on contacts (LOAD INITIAL GAP) - Added a new parameter UNLOADING to control unloading in the NonLinearCementitious2 material family - Fixed a problem in NonLinearCementitious2User Material - Added function to check if a newer version is available - Improved connecting of beam elements (CCBeamNLConnection) - Fixed a problem causing mesh generation erros with some ATENA 3D models - Fixed a bug when copying springs in ATENA 3D - Many small fixes and changes in the kernel, AtenaWin/AtenaConsole, ATENA 3D GUE, and in the installer - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 5.95 - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.2.7g, May 31, 2011 (Build 11/05/30 rev.5844, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 5726) - Added bond material model for cyclic loads (CCBarWithMemoryBond) - Newer version of the T3D mesh generator - Fixed a bug in Interface material - Other small fixes in the kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Release version 4.2.7f, March 15, 2011 (Build 11/03/15 rev.5491, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 5473) - Fixed a bug with monitors on reinforcement - Fixed a bug in Interface material - Fixed 2 problems with boundary loads: degenerate elements, wrong thickness dependency - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.2.7e, January 25, 2011 (Build 11/01/25 rev.5226, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 5161) - Fixed displaying crack width in AtenaWin - Fixed a bug with monitors in construction process in ATENA 3D - Fixed a problem with lumped_mass and accelerogram load or master-slave connection - Fixed a problem in fatigue (correction term in stress calculation in case of introducing fatigue damage dE * eps is now disabled) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Release version 4.2.7d, December 10, 2010 (Build 10/12/09 rev.4968, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 4906) - Czech texts which slipped into the English version of ATENA 2D changed to English - Fixed a bug in binding reinforcement to volume elements - Fixed a bug in Fire Boundary condition - Fixed an unneccessary Floating Point Exception in Interface material - Increased tolerance for jacobians close to zero - Increased precision in sample_times calculations in dynamic analysis - Other small fixes and changes in the kernel - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.2.7c, October 20, 2010 (Build 10/08/27 rev.4476, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 4692) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Release version 4.2.7b, October 12, 2010 (Build 10/08/27 rev.4476, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 4595) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Release version 4.2.7a, September 7, 2010 (Build 10/08/27 rev.4476, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 4528) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Release version 4.2.7, August 31, 2010 (Build 10/08/27 rev.4476, GUI 3D, 2D, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 4418) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Modified Interface material - ellipse in the tension/shear region - First implementation of hydration heat and general heat sources/sinks (materials CCTransportMaterialLevel1-CCTransportMaterialLevel5), only in the kernel, for testing - Fatigue - correction term in stress calculation in case of introducing fatigue damage (dE * eps) - first version for testing - Fixed a bug in construction process in ATENA 3D - Many small fixes and changes in the kernel, AtenaWin/AtenaConsole, and in the installer - New hardlock drivers included in installation: Hasp 5.86 - Updated Manuals Release version 4.2.6b, March 23, 2010 (Build 09/12/01 rev.3252, GUI 3D, 2D ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3083) - Updated Manuals - Small fixes and changes in the installer Release version 4.2.6, December 14, 2009 (Build 09/12/01 rev.3252, GUI 3D, 2D ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3083) - Small fixes and changes in the 2D and 3D GUE and installer Release version 4.2.5, December 9, 2009 (Build 09/12/01 rev.3252, GUI 3D, 2D ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3083) - Fixed a problem with importing CCT in 2D GUE - Small fixes and changes in the 2D and 3D GUE and installer - Fixed a problem with material with random fields (for SARA) Release version 4.2.3c, November 23, 2009 (Build 09/11/20 rev.3217, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3083) - Temperature dependent material support for interface material - Fixed a problem with reinforcement limited to tension in ATENA 3D - Small fixes and changes in the kernel Release version 4.2.3b, November 20, 2009 (Build 09/11/05 rev.3155, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3083) - Updated Installer Release version 4.2.3a, November 9, 2009 (Build 09/11/05 rev.3155, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3083) - Updated User material documentation Release version 4.2.3, November 5, 2009 (Build 09/11/05 rev.3155, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3083) - Added FORTRAN User material support + example - Fix a problem with starting the 3D GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD examples Release version 4.2.2, November 2, 2009 (Build 09/11/02 rev.3127, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3083) - Small fixes and changes in the 2D+3D GUE Release version 4.2.1, October 19, 2009 (Build 09/09/19 rev.3067, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3017) - Small fixes and changes in the 2D+3D GUE Release version 4.2.0, October 7, 2009 (Build 09/09/06 rev.3018, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 3017) - Added support for reinforcement limited to tension and aggregate interlock (AGG_SIZE) by Collins into the 2D and 3D Engineering GUE - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Small fixes and changes in the kernel, AtenaWin, 2D+3D GUE, and installer - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.5c, September 14, 2009 (Build 09/09/04 rev.2883, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2909) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.5b, September 8, 2009 (Build 09/09/04 rev.2883, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2905) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt Release version 4.1.5a, September 4, 2009 (Build 09/09/04 rev.2883, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2882) - 2D GUI temporarily returned to - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.5, September 2, 2009 (Build 09/08/31 rev.2854, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2873) - Fixed a problem with interpolation when importing temperature results into static analysis - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Small fixes and changes in the kernel, AtenaWin, and installer Release version 4.1.4b, August 25, 2009 (Build 09/08/19 rev.2818, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2801) - Added reduction of compressive strength due to cracks (FC_REDUCTION) and aggregate interlock (AGG_SIZE) by Collins into the CC3DNonLinCementitious2 model. - Fixed problems with construction cases in ATENA 3D - Fixed a problem of Temperature Dependent Material related to Combined material. - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Small fixes and changes in the kernel, AtenaWin, and installer - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.4a, June 19, 2009 (Build 09/06/05 rev.2570, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2616) - Updated ATENA-GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Small fixes and changes in the kernel and AtenaWin - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.4, June 10, 2009 (Build 09/06/05 rev.2570, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2559) - Updated Atena GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Improved precision when importing transport results into static analysis - Small fixes and changes in the kernel and AtenaWin - New hardlock drivers and HASP utilities included in installation: Hasp 5.70, Hasp License Manager - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.3g, May 28, 2009 (Build 09/05/28 rev.2545, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2540) - Updated Atena GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Fixed a problem with body load (dead weight) in ATENA 3D - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.3f, May 15, 2009 (Build 09/05/12 rev.2465, GUI, ATENA-GiD scripts rev. 2500) - Fixed a problem in 2D temperature dependent material - User material supports 2D elements + fixed storing and restoring - Small fixes and changes in the kernel - Updated installer, GiD 9.0.4 x32 and x64 included in installation - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.3e, (Build 09/04/02 rev.2411) April 2, 2009 - Accelerogram load (keyword MASS_ACCELERATIONS) - CCreinforcement material can be limited to tension (keyword COMPRESSION) - Reinforcement added in construction process is now attached using reference coordinates (instead of current deformed) in ATENA 3D - Small fixes and changes in the kernel, AtenaWin, and AtenaConsole - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.3d, (Build 09/02/19 rev.2241) March 18, 2009 - Fixed another problem in upgrade installer - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.3c, (Build 09/02/19 rev.2241) March 17, 2009 - Fixed a problem in upgrade installer - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.3b, (Build 09/02/19 rev.2241) March 6, 2009 - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.3a, (Build 09/02/19 rev.2241) March 2, 2009 - Fixed a GiD Post problem in GiD 8 installer - Updated Atena GiD scripts and examples, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Manuals Release version 4.1.3, (Build 09/02/19 rev.2241) February 19, 2009 - Fixed CCInterface material model (wrong algorithm for softening/hardening material + fixed interaction of normal and tangential directions) - Pre-release of user material support (CC3DUserMaterial) - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals Pre-release version 4.1.2, (Build 09/02/10 rev.2222) February 10, 2009 - Load coefficient for cycling crack opening in fatigue (fatigue_COD_load_coeff) - Pre-release of user material support (CC3DUserMaterial) - Small fixes and changes in display, menus, and dialogs in AtenaWin and kernel (working directory and file extensions, transport, ...) - Fixed a bug with monitoring step_convergence in ATENA 3D - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals Release version 4.1.1b, (Build 08/10/30) November 25, 2008 - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals Release version 4.1.1a, (Build 08/10/30) November 21, 2008 - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals Release version 4.1.1, (Build 08/10/30) November 3, 2008 - Small fixes and changes in 3D and 2D GUE - Small fixes and changes in menus, dialogs, and redrawing in AtenaWin and kernel (ZOOM_IN_FRAME and Select/Show during analysis, window caption, eigenfrequencies, nearest_ip interpolation switch, output data filter, prescribed accelerogram, shell elements) - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals Release version 4.1.0, (Build 08/09/22) September 23, 2008 - Added output filtering + other small fixes and changes in menus, dialogs, and redrawing in AtenaWin - Small fixes in the kernel (fatigue material, element load) - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals Pre-release version 4.0.0 beta6, (Build 08/09/15) September 16, 2008 - Fixed display of cycles to failure in fatigue Pre-release version 4.0.0 beta5 User Seminar, (Build 08/09/05) September 5, 2008 - Element orientation can be displayed (ELEMENT_ORIENTATION) - Changed fatigue model - additional damage based on delta COD (testing) - Fixed a problem with gap elements and with transport analysis and smeared reinforcement (idealisation check) - Fixed a problem with prescribed acceleration - Fixed a problem copying graphs from AtenaWin to clipboard - Other small changes in menus, dialogs, and redrawing in AtenaWin (geometry window scrolling, execute from line, breaking dynamic analysis, ELEMENT_OUTPUT_OPTIONS) - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals Pre-release version 4.0.0 beta4, (Build 08/07/31) July 31, 2008 - Small changes in menus, dialogs, and redrawing in AtenaWin (activity window domain, working directory, graph series, ...) - AtenaConsole shows the input file name in the window title bar and (again) sends a copy of the .msg/.err output to the terminal - Small changes in local coordinate systems - Fixed a problem with user functions in 3DNonLinCementitious2User and Interface materials - Fixed a problem with creep and shell elements - Fixed a problem with interface in tension after shear failure - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals Pre-release version 4.0.0 beta3, (Build 08/06/30) June 30, 2008 - Material CC3DNonLinCementitious2 corrected: calculated maximal cod is now checked to be always increasing. Due to the consideration of the current configuration, previously the crack band could decrease from one step to the other, this could have resulted incorrectly into decreasing the maximal cod. - Small changes in menus, dialogs, dynamic analysis, colour scale, redrawing etc. in AtenaWin - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Updated Atena Manuals - Fixed a problem with coordinate system transormations - Improved line-plane intersection routines (reinforcement generation) - Improved interpolation while importing transport analysis results with few steps into static analysis Pre-release version 4.0.0 beta2, (Build 08/04/21) April 28, 2008 - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV4\Readme.txt - Fixed installation of VisualC++ redistributables Pre-release version 4.0.0 beta, (Build 08/04/21) April 21, 2008 - Dynamic analysis and eigenfrequencies - Changed menus, dialogs and redrawing in AtenaWin, added displaying cracks, a new default window layout and a view+layout storing option - Improved color scales in AtenaWin - Fixed a problem with displaying springs in AtenaWin - Fixed a problem with monitoring, added PRINCIPAL_STRESS monitoring - Fixed a problem with displaying and construction cases - Fixed a problem with beam element (CCBeamNL_3D) Release version 3.3.2j, (Build 08/01/31) January 31, 2008 - Fixed a problem with construction cases and external cables - Fixed a problem with line load on edges shared by multiple elements - Small fixes in creep calculation - Fixed a problem that pausing AtenaWin produced CPU load Release version 3.3.2i, (Build 08/01/07) January 9, 2008 - Updated Manuals (Theory, Input file format, AtenaWin) - New tutorials for Construction Process - Fixed a problem in cycling reinforcement material (CCCyclingReinforcement) - Small fixes in nonlinear beam elements (CCBeamNL) - Small fixes and improvements in AtenaWin (display) - Fixed a problem with line load and mixed meshes - Enhanced local coordinate system support for shell elements (REF_V1_VECTOR) - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt Release version 3.3.2g with GiD Post, (Build 07/09/27) October 1, 2007 - Updated Manuals (Theory, GiD) - Postprocessing in GiD (pre-release) - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt - Fixed a problem in variable material - Fixed a problem in importing 2D temperature results - New hardlock drivers and HASP utilities included in installation: Hasp HL 5.22, Hasp HL License Manager (August 2007), Aladdin DiagnostiX 1.10 (May 2007), Aladdin Monitor 1.4.2 Release version 3.3.2f, (Build 07/08/21) August 23, 2007 - Updated Manuals (Theory, 3D User's) - Better use of the 2GB/process memory limit in AtenaWin and AtenaConsole in 64 bit systems - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt Release version 3.3.2e, (Build 07/08/07) August 13, 2007 - Updated Manuals (Theory, GiD Interface) - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt Release version 3.3.2d, (Build 07/08/07) August 7, 2007 - Fixed a problem with prescribed deformations of zero value in Atena 3D - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt Release version 3.3.2c, (Build 07/08/02) August 3, 2007 - Atena 3D Postprocessor can now display bond slips - Supports can be defined in local coordinate system in the 3D Preprocesor - Added IsoQuad8 element - Memory requirements of boundary load reduced - Fixed a problem with sparse iterative solvers when complex boundary conditions are used - Fixed some untranslated texts in 2D GUE - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt Release version 3.3.2b, (Build 07/06/26) July 3, 2007 - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt - Updated manuals - Upgrade installer should now also work for changing a 3.3.2 installation Release version 3.3.2a, (Build 07/06/26) June 26, 2007 - ATENA runs in Windows Vista - Fixed a problem that interfaces were deleted or not created when a macroelement was added/copied or deleted in Atena 3D; with old data, application of the corrected contact checking agorithm has to be triggered by adding and deleting a macroelement - Updated Atena GiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt - Implementation of fatigue material (changed from 3.3.1) - The DCG solver can be selected in GUE - Fixed a problem with CCIsoGap2 - Fixed a problem of some BoundaryLoad being ignored (Merge) - Fixed a problem generating reinforcement in quadratic elements - Fixed a problem with construction cases - Fixed a problem with reactions and residual forces - Fixed a problem with complex supports (local coordinates) - Fixed a problem with NEAREST_IP_RECOVERY - Fixed a problem with monitoring reinforcement - Fixed a problem that after mirror-copying a macroelement with mesh, the analysis had stopped because of negative jacobians. - Small fixes and improvements in 3D GUE (color scale, editting reinforcement area, AllLayers option available for all result dimensions, copying shell macroelements keeps more parameter settings, negative crack openings not displayed etc.) Release version 3.3.1g, (Build 07/01/22) April 18, 2007 - Updated Atena GiD scripts - fixes and improvements of boundary conditions in creep, springs, and surface loads Release version 3.3.1f, (Build 07/01/22) April 3, 2007 - Updated Atena GiD scripts - fixed a problem in writing shell layer thickness, importing of transport results into static analysis, and a few other small problems Release version 3.3.1d, (Build 07/01/22) February 13, 2007 - Updated Atena FEMAP scripts - Updated Atena GiD scripts (springs) Release version 3.3.1c, (Build 07/01/22) February 12, 2007 - Updated Atena FEMAP scripts (direction vector 2D smeared reinforcement) Release version 3.3.1b, (Build 07/01/22) February 8, 2007 - Resolved a problem with moment lines + smeared reinforcement in Atena 2D - Updated Atena FEMAP scripts (checking element orientation, 2D gap thickness) Release version 3.3.1a, (Build 07/01/04) January 9, 2007 - Updated AtenaGiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt - Updated manuals (AtenaWin, Atena Input File Format) Release version 3.3.1, (Build 07/01/04) January 8, 2007 - Old (3.2.5) results containing the CC3DBiLinearVonMises material can again be read - Memory requirements for postprocessing slightly reduced - Problem corrected, which caused reading past the end of file after interrupting analysis - Problem corrected, which caused that interfaces were not removed when a macroelement was moved in Atena 3D - Problem corrected, which complained about coplanar surfaces when importing results into Atena 3D - Problem corrected, which caused Atena 3D crushing when running an imported .inp - Preliminary implementation of fatigue material (testing) - AtenaWin now waits for the iteration to finish before redrawing after changing the results to be displayed (the original approach sometimes caused a crash when switching the displayed results) - Fixed a bug in storing crack attributes (Atena 3D was not reading some results) - Load applied on an empty selection should produce a message - Fixed a bug causing problems in displaying some results in 2D runtime - Fixed a bug occuring sometimes while importing monitors not defined during analysis - Fixed shortcuts for Examples and Documentation - Fixed shortcuts creation sequence during install - Updated Atena GiD scripts - Fixed a bug in graph copying - Fixed a bug in DXF import in Atena 2D Release version 3.3.0f, (Build 06/10/18) October 18, 2006 - Fixed network key support Release version 3.3.0e, (Build 06/10/13) October 13, 2006 - Fixed a bug in mesh generation - quadratic brick elements (T3D) - Fixed displaying results for nlin. tetra elements Release version 3.3.0d, (Build 06/10/06) October 9, 2006 - Fixed a bug in temperature load - Small fixes in mesh generation (T3D) - Updated AtenaGiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt Release version 3.3.0c, (Build 06/09/14) October 4, 2006 - Fixed a problem in installation (registering 2D DLLs) Release version 3.3.0, (Build 06/09/14) September 21, 2006 - Speed optimization of importing and diplaying results into Atena3D ("file - read other"). Speedup about 10x for bigger structures (no significant effect on old results computed in versions prior to 3.3.0). - New hardlock drivers and HASP utilities included in installation: Hasp HL 5.20, Hasp HL License Manager, Aladdin DiagnostiX 1.10, Aladdin Monitor 1.4 - Fixed bug in BCS solution with shell elements - Updated AtenaGiD scripts, see GiD\Problemtypes\AtenaV3\Readme.txt - A new option for generating color scale to separate colors of tension and compression areas ("divided by zero") - Fixed MNQ bug (reinforcement) in Atena 2D - Fixed a bug in softening of SFRC Sbeta material in Atena 2D - Conditional break criteria added for handling solution divergency situations - Option "internal numbers" in the "Display" panel to get node numbering identical to AtenaWin for results loaded into the 3D Postprocessor with the "Open other" command - Option "Preferred master" in the Edit contact-Topology tab - Context help in Atena 3D - Editing attributes of multiple selected reinforcing bars in Atena 3D Release version 3.2.8a, (Build 06/06/19) June 19, 2006 - Optimalisation of ATENA 3D analysis and import to 3D post, namely in the case of used surface loading - In springs in Atena 3D other materials than CCSpring can be used - Correction of spring problem during import to Atena 3D post - New material names for smeared reinforcement in Atena 3D - CCMaterialWithTempDepProperties - TOTAL formulation Release version 3.2.7a, (Build 06/05/09) May 09, 2006 - Improvement of material CCNonLinCementitious2, substepping, crack closure internal iterations removed. - Fixed bug in reinforcement generation for shell elements (reinforcement was not connected) - Fixed bug of missing pre-stressing value in inp file. - Analysis core is using new HASP HL hardlock - Tensile degradation due to compressive failure is more gradual in CC3DNonLinCementitious2 material. - Improved BCS solution - increased speed >10x Release version 3.2.6d, (Build 06/02/27) February 27, 2006 - New version of HASP 4 driver 4.99 included in the installation. Release version 3.2.6c, (Build 06/01/23) January 23, 2006 - Correction of the calculation of nodal data for shell elements Release version 3.2.6b, (Build 06/01/16) January 16, 2006 - Correction of the division by zero problem in the Interface material. This error was only in 3.2.6. Release version 3.2.6, (Build 05/12/02) December 02, 2005 - Bug corrected, which caused that reinforcement data were not displayed in Atena 3D post-processor - New features in the solution core: improved handling of Master/Slave condition for quadratic elements, improved nodal projection for quadratic elements new fixed prestressing option Release version 3.2.5, (Build 05/10/31) October 11, 2005 - Material CCInterface is modified by including softening diagram for tension and cohesion. - Material CC3DBiLinearVonMises is modified by including cyclic behavior with Bauschinger efekt. - CC3DNonLinCementitous3User material is sligthly modified starting from version 3.2.5. The unloading in tension is elastic up to the onset of localization. After the localization onset the unloading is to the point where the localization started. - AtenaWin fixed to correctly extract monitors from already calculated results. - Various bug fixes in Atena 3D Release version 3.2.4, (Build 05/08/11) August 11, 2005 - It is possible to read results from older Atena versions 2.x.x - Improvements in the solution of complex boundary conditions - New versions of Atena-GID intefaces - Corrections in random field materials - no material parameters are ignored now. Release version 3.2.3, (Build 05/07/04) July 4, 2005 - Tetrahedral and triangular elements possible to thermal analysis. - New boundary conditions for thermal analysis - flux, film, radiation, fire specific loading - Fixed problem with AtenaWin Output Data dialog + other minor AtenaWin fixes and improvements. - Fixed problem of overlapping node id generation for large models. Release version 3.2.2, (Build 05/06/03) June 3, 2005 - Problems with marco-element intersections and non-planar surfaces resolved. - Possibility to extract monitors after the analysis is finished using AtenaWin. - Older 2D generator used without problems with curved lines Release version 3.2.1, (Build 05/05/19) May. 19, 2005 - Sudden deaths during Atena 3D analysis resolved - Various bugs corrected. - Possibility to store binary results from Atena 2D Release version 3.2.0, (Build 05/02/11) Feb. 11, 2005 - First official release with full native 3D environment - First official version with shell/plate elements. Release version 3.1.0, (Build 05/01/25) Jan. 25, 2005 - Final beta version. Release version 3.0.4, (Build 04/12/09) Dec. 09, 2004 - Fourth beta version. Includes improved runtime control, improved support for shell elements, improved graphs for monitoring points and various bug fixes. Corrected Atena 2D - axysimmetric shrinkage, cut output, etc. Release version 3.0.1, (Build 04/08/30) Aug. 30, 2004 - Fourth beta version. Includes improved runtime control, improved support for shell elements, improved graphs for monitoring points and various bug fixes. Release version 3.0.2, (Build 04/09/29) Sept. 28, 2004 - Improved third beta version. Release version 3.0.1, (Build 04/08/30) Aug. 30, 2004 - Third beta version. Release version 3.0.1, (Build 04/08/30) Aug. 30, 2004 - Second beta version Release version 2.1.11, (Build 03/11/28) Nov. 28, 2003 - In the calculation of moment lines it is possible to consider only selected number of macro-elements. This is advantageous for tunnel-like structures. - Improved stability of A3DPost - Bug in manual setting of contour area scales is corrected. Release version 2.1.9, (Build 03/10/04) Oct. 04, 2003 - New material CC3DNonLinearCementitious2User, which allows the definition of user laws for softening/hardening both in tension and compression, shear retention factor and tensile strength degradation due to lateral compression. - Minor improvements in AtenaWin - zooming behavior corrected in the case of displayed ids. - Correction of FEMAP script - missing MONITOR definition. Release version 2.1.8, (Build 03/06/18) June. 18, 2003 - Major improvements in AtenaWin - mouse selection, new icons, window layout Release version 2.1.7, (Build 03/06/02) June. 02, 2003 - New material CC3DNonLinCemenntitious2Variable which allows to change ft,fc,e,gf,fc0 material parameters based on a history function. - Major improvements in AtenaWin and A3DPost programs. Release version 2.1.4, (Build 03/02/24) Feb. 24, 2003 - Interface for external control of ATENAGUI 2D is included with the installation in order to support SARA studio ATENA extension. Release version 2.1.3, (Build 03/01/08) Jan. 08, 2003 - Correction in materials CCCombinedMaterial and CCMaterialWithVarProperties to enable their usage with temperature and shrinkage loading. - Extended mesh generation support in CCStructuresGenerate.DLL Release version 2.1.2, (Build 02/12/17) Dec. 17, 2002 - New material CC3DNonLinCementitious2, which is identical to CC3DNonLinCementitious2 with the exception that it is based on a purely incremental formulation, therefore it is possible to change material parameters during the analysis. This is especially usefull if one needs to simulate for instance concrete hardening. - Possibility to specify temperature fields - New material CCMaterialWithVariableProperties which enables to change material properties during the analysis according to a specified function. - All loads can now develope according to a pre-defined function - First version of 3D post-processor - The problem with run-time control on fast computers is fixed. Release version 2.0.2, (Build 02/07/24) July 24, 2002 - Possibility to select precision when working with longitudinal data - New version of mesh generator FC2DGen.dll. - New scripts for ATENA-FEMAP interface. Release version 2.0.1, (Build 02/07/05) July 5, 2002 - Missing CCStructuresCreep.dll included into the build to allow the operation of CCMicroplane4 material. Release version 2.0.1, May 14, 2002 - New import of DXF, IFC and internal CCT formats. - New reinforcement bond model. - Ability to delete results from selected load step. - New binary format for storing results. - Input of reinforcement material law with hardening is simplified. - Smeared reinforcement of same type can cross interfaces. - Multiple assignment of interface and reinforcement properties. - Mesh display during the analysis can be deactivated. - New program tool AtenaWin - substantially improved version of the program AtenaConsole, which allows simple post-processing and run-time visualization. This tool is especially useful for Atena3D users. - New and improved internal binary file for storing analysis results. This introduces an incompatibility with the previous program versions. It is unfortunately not possible to display the results from older versions of the program. Only input data from older version can be loaded into Atena 2.0.1. Therefore, Atena 2.0.1 will install into a new directory so that the previous version of ATENA is preserved and users can use it to post-process their old results. - Possibility to select Metric or Imperial (U.S.) unit system. - CC3DCementitious material and CC3DNonLinCementitious material may show stronger behavior in version 2.0.1 than in previous versions. The failure envelope has been modified to better represent the tri-axial compressive behavior or concrete. This difference should be significant only in stress states with high confinement. In previous version of ATENA this tri-axial strength was highly underestimated. Release version 1.2.3, Aug. 29, 2001 - Wrong setting of SET_ARC_LENGTH_PREVIOUS/CURRENT_STEP corrected in the inp file. - Rounding error in the numerical input of arc lines fixed. - Missing header in the graphical printout of spring quantities corrected. Release version 1.2.2, Aug. 15, 2001 - Error fixed in the generation of discrete rods crossing interface elements. - It was not possible in some cases to visualize MNQ diagrams depending on the setting of individual licences. Release version 1.2.1, June 26, 2001 - Moment lines calculation consideres only the structural part that contains the defined moment center line. - Bug fixes: smeared reinforcement was not saved when only the save of input data was requested. Release version 1.2.0, March 23, 2001 - Group assignment of properties - Cuts in post-processing - Plot of internal forces diagrams (moments, normal and shear) for beam-like structures. - Post-processing of interface and spring elements. - Post-processing of reinforcement rods in element nodes. - Correction of external cables where slips were not properly considered. - Fix of stability problems for large and long calculations on W98 systems. Release version 1.1.3, November 27, 2000 - Czech version available - Internal weight coefficients for discrete reinforcement corrected. - Equivalent crack band algorithm for Microplane model corrected. - Compact reactions, internal forces and residuals fixed the confusion with reactions in older versions. - Minor improvements in the 2D GUI - Abbility to read old results. - Faster solution module by cca 30-50%. Release version 1.1.2, November 8, 2000 - Output of principal strains and stresses is corrected. - Minor improvements of the graphical user interface - Crack band size for radial cracks in axi-symmetric analysis is correctly calculated. Release version 1.1.1, October 5, 2000 - Minor improvements of the graphical user interface - Various bugs in the finite element mesh generation are fixed. - Bugs fixed that occured during reinforcement generation, when it was parallel and intersecting finite elements. - A Version with Net hardlock is available. Release version 1.1.0, September 9, 2000 - Support for axi-symmetric analysis added to ATENA 2D GUI. - Support for backward compatibility of result binary data. !!! Please note that up to now the binary data are not !!! !!! are not backward compatible. This means it is not possible !!! !!! to post-process results or restart analysis from data file !!! !!! that were saved by previous versions. !!! - Rotated crack model for SBETA material is available now. - Various improvements and bug fixes. Release version 1.0.1, June 15, 2000 - Problems with discrete reinforcement generation corrected. Release version 1.0.0, May 31, 2000 - Secant and tangential matrices for CCSBETAMaterial corrected. - Various bugs in the Atena 2D GUI were fixed. Alpha Release Apr. 05, 2000 - Wedge elements implemented. This extends the library of 3D elements to: Bricks, Wedges and Tetrahedral elements. - Bug in CCSBETAMaterial fixed - this material previously always behaved as a rotated crack model. Now the default behavior is fixed crack model and no other behavior is possible with this version. 7. Contacts --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM DISTRIBUTORS: MAIN OFFICE: ervenka Consulting s.r.o. Na Hrebenkach 55, 150 00 Praha 5 Czech Republic phone: +420 220 610 018 fax: +420 220 612 227 WWW: www.cervenka.cz e-mail: cervenka@cervenka.cz --------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTRALIA Civil & Structural Engineering Design Services Pty. Ltd. 3 Wanniti Road BELROSE NSW 2085 AUSTRALIA phone: (02) 9975 3899 fax: (02) 9975 1943 http://civilandstructural.com.au/ email: hited@bigpond.net.au --------------------------------------------------------------------- BRAZIL Targetware Inform tica Ltda. Av. Francisco Matarazzo, 404 Conj 302 05001-000, gua Branca, Sao Paulo phone: +55 11 3665-8550 WWW: www.targetware.com.br email: keyt@software.com.br --------------------------------------------------------------------- CHINA RAND STAR ROCKET SCI-TECH.CO.LTD Room 1619 Building 17, Rongfeng 2008 305 Guang-an-men-wai Avenue Xuanwu District, Beijing, 100055 CHINA Mr. Tomas phone: +86-10-86922986 fax: +86-10-86922986 WWW: www.weixiuxinxihua.com email: tomas@weixiuxinxihua.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- GREECE TechnoLogismiki 5 Imittou str Cholargos 15561 Athens, Greece Dr. A. E. Charalampakis phone: +30-210-656-4147 fax: +30-210-654-8461 WWW: www.technologismiki.com e-mail: info@technologismiki.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- HUNGARY Juhasz Karoly Peter Reitter Ferenc 73 A/5/4 1135 Budapest, Hungary phone/fax: +36 (1) 239-9368 cell: +36 (70) 330-9149 WWW: www.jkp.hu --------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIA Computer Solutions "Shri Sai Kripa", 56, Motilal Nehru Road, Ground Floor Kolkata - 700 029. West Bengal, India Mr. Amal Kumar Paul phone: +91 33 2454 0005 fax: +91 33 2475 5420 e-mail: info@compsolas.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- IRAN Fanavaran Saba Co. No. 3 Golestan Commercial Building, Imam Ave. Tabriz - 51336-14714, Iran Mr. Davood Reyhanifar phone: +98-411-5539779 , 80 fax: +98-411-5539778 WWW: http://www.fanavaransaba.com/index.html e-mail: reyhanifar@fanavaransaba.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- JAPAN RESEARCH CENTER of COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, Inc. (RCCM) Togoshi NI-Bldg. 1-7-1 Togoshi Shinagawa-ku 142-0041 Tokyo, Japan phone: +813 3785 3033 fax: +813 3785 6066 WWW: www.rccm.co.jp e-mail: junko@rccm.co.jp yoshi@rccm.co.jp --------------------------------------------------------------------- KUWAIT KUWAIT INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND ENGINEERING SIMULATIONS Distributor for the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain. KITES llc Sawaber 6 Tower (5th Floor - Suite 6) Khalid Ibn Alwaleed Street, Sharq KUWAIT phone: +965 97723812 www.kites-kw.com email: halab@kites-kw.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- ROMANIA INICAD DESIGN Str. Popa Tatu 20, Sect. 1, Bucuresti 70772, Romania phone: +40-21-312.2415 fax: +40-21-312.2415 WWW: http://www.inicad.ro/ e-mail: radu_canarache@yahoo.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- RUSSIA Softline Trade Office 304, 2/4, Luzhnetskaya Naberezhnaya, building 3 A 119270 Moscow, Russia phone/fax: +7(495)232-00-23 WWW: www.softlinegroup.com e-mail: info@softlinegroup.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- RUSSIA 2 ALBERTUM Albertum LTD 31, 4, Kotelnicheskaya st 140000 Moscow RUSSIA phone/fax: +7 (495) 182 22 80 http://albertum.ru/software/ email: info@albertum.ru --------------------------------------------------------------------- SINGAPORE, ASEAN, TURKEY PROSENSE 50 Chin Swee Rd., #09-04 Thong Chai Building, Singapore 169874 phone: +65-66007743 WWW: www.prosense.com.sg e-mail: hg@prosense.com.sg --------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTH KOREA CNG SOFTEK #302, Cheongsan Bldg., 214-6, Poi-Dong, Gangnam-Gu Seoul, Korea. 135-963 phone: +82-2-529-0841 fax: +82-2-529-0846 WWW: www.cngst.com e-mail: leeih@cngst.com cngst@paran.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAIN Mecanismo Diseno y Calculo de Estructuras c/victoria 2 - 5 28012 Madrid, Spain phone/fax: +34 91 521 69 91 WWW: www.mecanismo.es e-mail: info@mecanismo.es --------------------------------------------------------------------- THAILAND Multi Plus Tech C., Ltd. 47, 49 Phetkasem 39/2, Baukhe Bangkok 10160 phone: (+66) 8605-36886 WWW: www.multiplustech.com e-mail: service@multiplustech.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- TURKEY 3e Mimarlik In aat ve Taah. Tic. Ltd ti. In n Cad. nder apt. No: 1 HATAY TURKEY phone: (+90) 532 376 05 30 www.3epromimarlik.co email: info@3epromimarlik.com --------------------------------------------------------------------- USA Ensoft, Inc. 3003 West Howard Lane Austin, Texas 78728 phone: +1 (512) 244-6464 ext. #201: Sales and Order Status ext. #208: Technical Support ext. #202: Consulting Engineering fax: +1 (512) 244-6067 WWW: www.ensoftinc.com e-mail: ensoft@ensoftinc.com <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< END OF FILE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>